Google Chrome's New AI-Powered Feature Could be a Game-Changer for Educators

Sep 2, 2023

TLDR: Why This is Important

Google is rolling out a new feature on Chrome that uses AI to generate concise summaries of online articles. Known as Search Generative Experience (SGE), this tool is initially available on iOS and Android, with plans to expand it to desktop Chrome browsers. Given the overwhelming amount of information online, this feature has the potential to save time and make web-based research more efficient for teachers and administrators.

Breaking Down the News

Google's SGE has been a part of their search engine for a while, condensing search results into bite-sized summaries. The new extension of this feature, called "SGE while browsing," aims to do the same for entire articles. After clicking an article link, users can activate this feature to display key points generated by the AI. It's worth mentioning that the AI will only summarize articles that are freely accessible, avoiding paywalled content.

The feature is in its early experimental stage, available through Google’s opt-in Search Labs program. If you’ve already opted into SGE, you'll get access automatically; if not, you can choose to opt in independently.

Why This is a Win for Educators

  1. Efficiency: Teachers and administrators are often swamped with tasks that go beyond classroom teaching. Sifting through multiple articles for research or to stay updated can be time-consuming. With SGE while browsing, you can quickly grasp the gist of an article, making your research process more efficient.

  2. Enhanced Understanding: The feature is not limited to just summarizing articles. SGE also offers definitions and diagrams for specific terms in articles related to topics like science, economics, and history. This added context can make complex topics more understandable, aiding in curriculum planning or decision-making processes.

  3. Accessibility: With the majority of educators using Google Chrome, this feature will likely be easily accessible and integrate smoothly into existing workflows. It is initially being rolled out on Android and iOS, meaning you can even use it on-the-go on your mobile device.

  4. Up-to-Date Knowledge: Given how quickly educational tools and theories evolve, staying current is crucial. SGE while browsing allows you to scan through more articles in less time, ensuring that you're always at the forefront of educational innovation.

By simplifying the process of digesting large chunks of information, Google Chrome's new SGE feature can be a valuable asset for educators who are already pressed for time. With its promise of increased efficiency and enhanced understanding, this tool has the potential to significantly impact the way educational research is done.